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Ngā mahi huri noa o Tāmaki Makaurau

Projects around Auckland

Photo of Avondale

Avondale and Waterview wastewater improvements

Working to stop overflows in the Avondale and Waterview areas.

Image showing a tree on the shoreline of a beach.

Beachlands and Maraetai wastewater renewals

We're rehabilitating the network to improve the integrity of our wastewater pipes which will help reduce overflows into local waterways.

Image showing a tree on the shoreline of a beach.

Beachlands WWTP discharge consent renewal

The existing discharge consent for the Beachlands Wastewater Treatment Plant is due for renewal on 31 December 2025.

Photo showing a tunnel boring machine being lowered into a shaft on the Central Interceptor project.

Central Interceptor

The largest wastewater project in New Zealand, our super-sized tunnel will run for 16.2kms under Auckland city and the Manukau Harbour. Find out what it’s all about and how we’re tracking.

A view of treetops and ocean from the North Shore.

Chelsea Bay and Birkenhead wastewater upgrade

A new pump station and rising main to reduce wet-weather overflows and cater for growth.

Photo showing an aerial view of Clarks Beach.

Clarks Beach Wastewater Treatment Plant upgrade and outfall pipe

Improving wastewater quality and supporting population growth in Glenbrook and Clarks Beach.

Aerial photograph showing a wastewater treatment plant.

East Coast Bays link sewer upgrade

Upgrading the wastewater network to cater for growth in East Coast Bays and surrounding suburbs.

Photo of a reserve showing grass, trees and some water.

Glen Innes wastewater upgrade

We are installing new pumps to complete this part of the project which stalled in 2022.

Coxs Bay Westmere

Grey Lynn and Westmere wastewater improvements

Working to reduce overflows in the Grey Lynn and Westmere areas.

Photo showing three boat sheds built over the water.

Herne Bay collector tunnel

A project aimed at delivering cleaner waterways and beaches by 2028.

Huia one project construction photo

Huia 1 watermain upgrade

A watermain replacement project to cater for population growth.

Aerial photo of the existing Huia Water Treatment Plant.

Huia Water Treatment Plant replacement project

We are planning to build a water treatment plant and two storage reservoirs in Waima.

Photo showing the stone archway at the entrance to the Parnell Rose Gardens.

Judges Bay wastewater repair

We're constructing a permanent solution to fix the break in the wastewater transmission sewer line.

Photo showing a wastewater pipeline running over water and mangroves.

Kahika wastewater upgrade

Upgrading the wastewater network to reduce overflows in Bayview and Beach Haven.

Photo of people walking past shops on Queen Street.

Midtown wastewater diversion

We are currently undertaking construction works in the midtown area.

Photo showing two people looking at a swan at Western Springs park.

Motions catchment improvements project

Working to stop overflows between the central motorway junction and Western Springs Park.

Photo of Muriwai beach

Muriwai's future water supply

Planning the future water supply to customers in Muriwai following the 2023 weather events.

Aerial photo showing the large sinkhole in Parnell.

Ōrākei Main Sewer repair and relining

We're working to rehabilitate the Ōrākei Main Sewer in several stages.


Ōtara wastewater capacity upgrades

We're installing new pipelines and connections along the local wastewater network to reduce wet weather overflows and cater for future growth.

Photo showing two orange excavators working on a site.

Ōwairaka and Wesley water upgrades

New water upgrades are required to cater for development in Ōwairaka and Wesley areas.

Pukekohe water treatment plant

Pukekohe Water Treatment Plant rehabilitation

We're rehabilitating the plant and improving its resilience against future flood events.

Photo showing an aerial view of Clarks Beach.

South-west wastewater upgrade

Delivering new infrastructure to support population growth.

image for Takapu Street wastewater upgrade project

Takapu Street wastewater upgrade project

A project to reduce wastewater overflows in the area.

Photo showing view over Mt Roskill suburb.

Waikōwhai water pump station and watermains

Upgrades are required to cater for development in the Waikōwhai/Mt Roskill area.

Photo showing a sign that says Waiwera on a grassed area with trees.

Waiwera water and wastewater servicing project

We are upgrading the water and wastewater network to cater for growth.

Aerial photo showing the river and waterfront of Warkworth.

Warkworth wastewater scheme

We are upgrading the wastewater infrastructure in the Warkworth area.

An image of the Wellsford sign

Wellsford Wastewater Treatment Plant upgrade

We are making significant improvements to enhance the treatment process and better serve the community.

Aerial photo of a tunnel boring machine in a shaft.

Whenuapai and Redhills wastewater project

Wastewater upgrades are required to cater for development.