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Waikōwhai water pump station and watermains

Upgrades are required to cater for development in the Waikōwhai/Mt Roskill area.


March 2023 – pump station March 2024, watermain early 2025


Mt Roskill



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Why is the project needed?

We are undertaking upgrades to the water network to cater for current and future development along with population growth. The current water network cannot cater for any further growth in the Waikōwhai/Mt Roskill area. This project will enable 4,000 dwellings that are proposed by Kainga Ora, plus 170 infill dwellings within the Waikōwhai/Mt Roskill area.

Please refer to the overall site works map showing upcoming sections of work, work in progress and completed sections.

Waikowhai watermains timeline and map for July

Current works

Dominion Road towards the proposed Akarana pump station

This work began on Wednesday 1 May and is estimated to take approximately 8 weeks to complete (See map below. Please note, works are weather dependent). Traffic management will be set-up down the centre of Dominion Road. Traffic will still be able to travel in a northbound and southbound direction, but please expect delays. Please refer to the traffic management map below.

Map showing traffic management measures on Dominion Road.

How will this affect you?

Working hours

  • 7am to 6pm, Monday to Friday. We will only work Saturdays if necessary. 

Traffic management

  • For the safety of the public, road users and our team, traffic management will be in place 24/7 during the construction works. Resident access via vehicle into the excavation area may be restricted during working hours, so please expect delays. On-site traffic controllers are there to advise when residents can pass. Vehicle access may be unavailable for properties near the open excavations. If there is a need to restrict vehicle access to your property, you will be notified in advance of the exact timing of the restrictions.

Construction works

  • Will generate some noise and vibration; however, levels will be kept to a minimum and in accordance with Auckland Council and consent conditions and the certified construction, noise and vibration management plan.

Works on Olsen Avenue, Hillsborough

  • On Monday 22 April, our contractor started working from the Olsen Avenue/Eaton Road intersection along Olsen Avenue to the Olsen/Hillsborough Road intersection. This section of work will take approximately two months to complete (weather dependent). Please refer to the map below for the section of work and traffic management in place.
Map showing work and traffic management on Olsen Ave.

The proposal

The project comprises the following:

  • Approximately 5,750 metres of watermains will be constructed, ranging in diameter from 300mm to 450mm. It is estimated the construction of the watermains will take approximately 18 months to complete.
  • One new bulk supply point.
  • A new booster pump station at 1374 Dominion Road (adjacent to the Akarana Golf Club) to replace the existing Hillsborough Pump Station.
Map showing proposed work areas in Mt Roskill.

What’s happening now?

The dates for the proposed works are:

  • March 2023 – construction of the Akarana pump station commenced. Works on the pump station are progressing well with an estimated completion date of March 2024.

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