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Ngā FAQs noa

Frequently asked questions

Explore our frequently asked questions.

Watercare bottle on a beach.

Water FAQs

Explore our frequently asked questions about water supply, treating water, water meters, the leak allowance, and more.

Photo of a person in high-vis standing on a walkway at a wastewater treatment plant.

Wastewater FAQs

Explore our frequently asked questions about wastewater, including collection and treatment.

Photo of a worker in high-vis digging up concrete on a pavement.

Faults and outages FAQs

Frequently asked questions about faults and outages in our network.

Photo of a woman helping her young child to water a plant.

Residential FAQs

Frequently asked questions for residential customers.

Photo of a woman on her phone while sitting at a computer.

Business FAQs

Frequently asked questions for business customers.

Two men sitting on the steps of a house

Landlords, property managers and tenants FAQs

Frequently asked questions for landlords, property managers and tenants.

image for Billing, payment and accounts FAQs

Billing, payment and accounts FAQs

Frequently asked questions about MyAccount, paying bills, charges and more.

image for Building and developing FAQs

Building and developing FAQs

Frequently asked questions about building and developing, including compliance statements and the Infrastructure Growth Charge.

image for Mobile app FAQs

Mobile app FAQs

Frequently asked questions about the Watercare mobile app.