I'm a Resident

FAQs ā-kāinga noho

Residential FAQs

Frequently asked questions for residential customers.

General FAQs

Does Watercare heat my water?
Is my water safe to drink?
What is the average rainfall per year in the Auckland region?
Typically, what is the average water use per person per day?
What is the difference between wastewater and stormwater?
What is wastewater?
Where does my drinking water come from?
Where is my wastewater treated?
What is a kilolitre?
Who is responsible for my water pipes?

Our commitment to you

Your water supply
Your wastewater services
Working on your property

Priority assistance

Who is eligible for priority assistance?
How do I apply?
How much does priority assistance cost?
How long does the approval process take?
How will I know if my application has been approved?
For how long is the priority assistance service available?
What if I can’t complete the online application, can someone do this for me?
Can I nominate someone to help with my account?
Can I nominate more than one person to help with my account?
What will my nominated person have access to?
How do I change my nominated person?
Who has access to my information?
Who decides if my application is successful?
Does priority assistance mean I can ask for a discount?
How often will you deliver bottled water to me?
Can your contractors place the bottled water on my bench?
Why has my application been rejected?
How long does the approval process take?

Loss of a loved one

Who can make changes to my loved one’s account?
What do I do If I have a joint account with someone who has passed away?
What information do I need to give you to make changes?
How do I transfer the account name to mine?
Why can’t you change the account name right away?
Can I change the mailing and payment information?
No one is living at the property; can you cancel the account?
Can you give me the balance of the account?
I used to have Power of Attorney on my loved one’s account. Can I still use this to manage the account?
Do I need to give you a copy of the death certificate?
My loved one didn’t leave a will, or we can’t find one – what can I do?
There is an existing debt on the account, but there is no money in the estate to cover it and I can’t afford to pay – what can I do?