Ngā pūrongo me ngā whakaputanga
Reports and publications
Download the annual report, newsletters, water quality reports, water-saving guides.
You can download a range of publications that we produce throughout the year.
If you would like a high-resolution version of our publications, please call (09) 442 2222.

Annual Report 2024
This report provides a concise view of how we delivered value for the communities of Auckland in 2023/24. It also summarises our performance against the objectives set out in our Statement of Intent and provides an insight into the company’s operations during the financial year.

Asset Management Plan 2021-2041
We have unveiled our biggest investment programme to date, outlining how we will spend $18.5 billion over the next 20 years to maintain and develop a resilient water and wastewater network for our customers.

Tapped In: news, updates and information
We post or email our customer newsletter four times a year.

Auckland Water Efficiency Plan 2021 - 2025
Learn about where our water comes from, what we're doing to make the most of this precious resource and how you can do your bit.
Annual reports2024
Auckland-wide network discharge consent 2018-2019: Annual Report
Auckland-wide network discharge consent 2017-2018: Annual Report
Auckland-wide network discharge consent 2018-2019: Annual Report
Auckland-wide network discharge consent 2017-2018: Annual Report
Statements of Intent
Water quality reportsAnnual Water Quality Reports
Fluoride reports
Metropolitan water treatment plants: Latest fluoride report
Annual Water Quality Reports
Fluoride reports
Metropolitan water treatment plants: Latest fluoride report
Other reports and publicationsWater Supply and Wastewater Network Bylaw 2015
This bylaw covers the public water supply network and wastewater network across the entire Auckland region. The purpose of the bylaw is to:
- Protect the water supply network and wastewater network from damage, misuse and interference;
- Assist in the provision of reliable, safe and efficient water supply and wastewater services in Auckland; and
Nitrous Oxide Emissions Reduction Strategy 2024
Emissions reduction infographic
- Our hydrodynamic model has come a long way since its inception, with the final version being much more complex and challenging to manipulate than originally expected. At the same time, Auckland Council’s Healthy Waters is developing its own harbour model based on Watercare’s data.
- These models offer valuable insights that can inform the potential effects of future developments and land use changes on the health of the Manukau Harbour, including reconsenting of the Mangere Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP) discharge.
- We are committed to transparency, sharing data through specialist and community groups, and its findings will help guide the reconsenting of the Mangere WWTP in the early 2030s. The Mangere WWTP has consistently met consent limits and has significantly reduced nitrogen and phosphorus discharges, contributing to positive trends in the health of the harbour.
- We continue to work closely with independent experts and the community to monitor and improve its operations, and plans are in place for future upgrades and better nutrient management to further ensure the long-term health of the harbour.
Water Supply and Wastewater Network Bylaw 2015
This bylaw covers the public water supply network and wastewater network across the entire Auckland region. The purpose of the bylaw is to:
- Protect the water supply network and wastewater network from damage, misuse and interference;
- Assist in the provision of reliable, safe and efficient water supply and wastewater services in Auckland; and
Nitrous Oxide Emissions Reduction Strategy 2024
Emissions reduction infographic
- Our hydrodynamic model has come a long way since its inception, with the final version being much more complex and challenging to manipulate than originally expected. At the same time, Auckland Council’s Healthy Waters is developing its own harbour model based on Watercare’s data.
- These models offer valuable insights that can inform the potential effects of future developments and land use changes on the health of the Manukau Harbour, including reconsenting of the Mangere Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP) discharge.
- We are committed to transparency, sharing data through specialist and community groups, and its findings will help guide the reconsenting of the Mangere WWTP in the early 2030s. The Mangere WWTP has consistently met consent limits and has significantly reduced nitrogen and phosphorus discharges, contributing to positive trends in the health of the harbour.
- We continue to work closely with independent experts and the community to monitor and improve its operations, and plans are in place for future upgrades and better nutrient management to further ensure the long-term health of the harbour.
Tapped In2024
To find out what's happening in your area, click on the relevant link: North Auckland, Central and West Auckland or South and East Auckland
To find out what's happening in your area, click on the relevant link: Central Auckland, North and West Auckland or South and East Auckland
To find out what's happening in your area, click on the relevant link: North Auckland, Central and West Auckland or South and East Auckland
To find out what's happening in your area, click on the relevant link: Central Auckland, North and West Auckland or South and East Auckland
To find out what's happening in your area, click on the relevant link: North Auckland, Central and West Auckland or South and East Auckland
To find out what's happening in your area, click on the relevant link: Central Auckland, North and West Auckland or South and East Auckland
To find out what's happening in your area, click on the relevant link: North Auckland, Central and West Auckland or South and East Auckland
To find out what's happening in your area, click on the relevant link: Central Auckland, North and West Auckland or South and East Auckland