I'm a Builder or developer

FAQs mō te hanganga, whakawhanake hoki

Building and developing FAQs

Frequently asked questions about building and developing including compliance statements and the Infrastructure Growth Charge.

Compliance statements

What is a Watercare compliance statement?
Why do I need to provide Watercare with a compliance statement?
Who completes the statement?
What qualifications must I have to submit a statement?
What registration board or professional body do I need to belong to?
How do you select the registration boards?
What if the board I belong to is not recognised?
What happens if I do not provide a compliance statement?
Which works require a compliance statement?
What evidence do I need to provide with the construction statements?
What evidence do I need to provide with the design statements?
What are the consequences of signing a statement and what am I liable for?
When will my statement not be accepted?
Can I use an IPENZ producer statement for Watercare works?

Infrastructure Growth Charge

Who does the IGC charge apply to?
When is the IGC applied?
How much is the IGC?
How is the IGC calculated?
Who pays the IGC?
What is a Development Unit Equivalent (DUE)?
What is a baseline?
Do I have to pay an IGC if I've paid a development contribution?
Is the IGC a connection charge?
Can I set up a payment arrangement for an IGC?
Is the IGC refundable?
Once I've paid the IGC, do I have to pay it again?
Will I pay less if I install a rainwater tank?
Will I pay less if I only connect to one network (water or wastewater)?
Will I pay less if I build a residential unit?
Will I pay less if I build a ‘green’ building?
Will I be charged an IGC if I am building infrastructure to vest to Watercare?
When was the IGC introduced?
Why has the IGC changed?
What is bulk infrastructure?
Can I ask for the IGC to be reconsidered?
What are the implications for properties with laundromats?

Building and developing

I am planning a development. How do I find out if any restrictions apply to the area?
Do I have to apply for Works Over approval even for small jobs?
What is the vesting process and what should I do?
Will I have to pay the infrastructure growth charge for my proposed development?
Can I use the proposed design for the water/wastewater connection?

Connect your property

Does Watercare connect my wastewater pipe to the public network?
I've moved house. Do I need to get the water connected?
When will my water meter be installed/relocated/disconnected?
Why have I not received the invoice for my application?