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FAQs mō te waipara

Wastewater FAQs

Frequently asked questions about wastewater, including collection and treatment.

General wastewater questions

What is wastewater?
Collecting wastewater
Treating wastewater
What happens after it's treated?
What are biosolids and how are they used?
Is wastewater tested?

Wastewater Network Strategy

What is the Network Discharge Consent?
What is the Wastewater Network Strategy?
What is wastewater and stormwater?
What is a combined network?
What is an overflow and why does it occur?
What can you do to reduce overflows?
What are we doing to reduce overflows?

Water and wastewater servicing strategies

What is a water and wastewater servicing strategy?
What does a servicing strategy consider?
Why the need for a 70 year servicing strategy?
How do you work with mana whenua?