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Chelsea Bay and Birkenhead wastewater upgrade

A new pump station and rising main to reduce wet-weather overflows and cater for growth.


Estimated 2025-2027


Colonial Road to Birkenhead War Memorial Park



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The project

The Chelsea Bay/Birkenhead wastewater upgrade project involves the construction of a new wastewater pump station on Colonial Road and a 1.7km wastewater pipeline that will divert the flow of wastewater to the existing Birkdale diversion branch sewer in Highbury.

Once complete, this project will help reduce wastewater overflows into the environment and improve the quality of waterways and beaches such as Chelsea Bay and Little Shoal Bay. The project will allow for additional capacity ensuring that the wastewater network is able to keep up with population growth in Birkenhead, Chatswood and surrounding suburbs.


What's happening now?

From October – December, we will be investigating several locations in the road, berms and reserves along the proposed pipeline route (see map above). These investigations will help inform the design of the Chelsea Bay/Birkenhead wastewater upgrade project.

How will these investigations affect you?

  • Work hours are Monday - Friday 7.30am to 6pm. Investigations on the corner of Highbury Bypass and Mokoia Rd will be completed through the night between 7pm - 5am.
  • Traffic management will be in place around the works area and partially in the road corridor. We ask that you please follow the directions of traffic management staff and traffic signage to keep everyone safe.
  • Geotechnical investigations may generate some noise and vibration; however, levels will be kept to a minimum and in accordance with Auckland Council requirements.
  • Each investigation will take between one and seven days to complete depending on the depth required to drill.
  • Temporary fencing may be set-up around the investigation sites.
  • All investigation sites will be fully reinstated on completion of the works.
  • In the unlikely event that we need to access your property, we will contact you in advance to arrange a suitable date and time.

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