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Midtown wastewater diversion

We are currently undertaking construction works in the midtown area.


October 2024 - December 2026





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With our service diversions now completed, we are ready to begin piling and shaft excavation at our three sites. This work will continue until May.

Project overview

In 2024 we set up the compounds where three shafts will be constructed and from where the Tunnel Boring Machine (TBM) will be launched. The machine bores from Mayoral Drive down to Victoria Street East to connect into the Ōrākei sewer. All plant and machinery will be housed in three sided compounds with access for spoil removal by trucks away from the city centre.

Main works

October 2024-December 2025

Queen Street wastewater diversion

  • Construction of three deep shafts on Queen Street near Mayoral Drive and at the intersections of Queen Street/Wellesley Street and Queen Street/Victoria Street.

Between Queen Street and Lorne Street and on Victoria Street between Queen Street and High Street

  • A 1.35m diameter tunnel boring machine will be used to construct the new 600m long wastewater pipe under Queen Street connecting into the shaft locations (as shown on the map below).
  • Three short open-cut trenches at the Queen Street/Wellesley Street intersection to connect existing wastewater networks to our new tunnel.

November 2025-December 2026

Mayoral Drive wastewater diversion

  • Like Queen Street, a Tunnel Boring Machine will be used to drill beneath Mayoral Drive from Vincent Street under Greys Avenue, and into the carpark near Myers Park. Closer to the start date we will provide more details regarding the construction methodology and traffic management that will be adopted to keep the community safe.

Map of the works areas

The map shows the areas where the project team will be working.

Midtown wastewater diversion map

How will this work affect you?

Work hours

  • Between 7.30am and 6pm, Monday to Saturday, including some statutory holidays. Occasionally, nightworks will be necessary and are typically between 8pm and 5am.

Traffic management

  • Will be in place 24/7 during construction for the safety of the public, traffic, and our workers. Traffic controllers will be on site to assist. Queen Street/Mayoral Drive/Wellesley Street East and Victoria Street East will remain open to two-way traffic.

Noise and vibration

  • Construction works will generate some noise and vibration. We are conscious of the effects noise can have on near neighbours and will work with you to keep noise to a minimum. Levels will be in accordance with Auckland Council and consent requirements.


  • Footpaths will remain open.

Queen Street Wastewater Diversion Consent Documentation

Part 3 Variation S127 Consent
Part 3 Variation S92
Part 3 Variation Conditions
Part 3-4 Resource Consent Documentation
Part 3-4 Consent Conditions
Queen Street Part 3 Resource Consent Documentation
Queen Street Part 3 Consent Conditions

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