I'm a Builder or developer

Tono hononga wai tauhokohoko

Apply for a commercial connection

Connect your business or ‘non-domestic' property to our water and wastewater networks.

Understand more about connecting a business or ‘non-domestic' property to our networks, including multi-dwelling residential developments that need a bulk supply water meter, such as apartments or town house developments. You can also apply for a firefighting connection and irrigation sprinkler connection on this page.

If you’re familiar with the process, simply apply online now, otherwise explore below.

If you’re planning to build

If you’re a builder or developer planning to develop a business property (non- domestic), multiple residential units (e.g. an apartment building), or a mixed-use development, we recommend you seek water and wastewater advice from a plumber, drain layer, architect, engineer, or relevant qualified person. They will know the requirements and standards you must comply with for a successful application.

If you’re applying for building consent code compliance certificate (CCC), Auckland Council might consult us about certificate of connections (CoC), which may be a requirement of a CCC.

The Auckland Council website has all you need to know about obtaining a building consent and a CCC.

On this page, find out how to:

  • Apply for a new potable water, firefighting, and irrigation connection
  • Apply for a wastewater connection
  • Make changes to your existing water and/or wastewater connection
  • Apply for additional water meters (shared to separate).

Types of application fees and charges

  • Works cost – for labour and materials, traffic management, and excavation/reinstatements, as applicable
  • Infrastructure growth charge (IGC) – a contribution to our capital investment in bulk infrastructure
  • Processing fees – for our reviewing engineers to recover time spent.

Understand our fees and charges

When do we start charging a monthly bill?

  • For water and wastewater or water only, we start charging as soon as we install the meter.
  • For wastewater only, we start charging from the date we approve your application.

Your monthly bill will include your monthly fixed charge and volumetric usage fees.

Getting started

Check for our services in your area
General requirements
Water and wastewater

Apply to get connected

Lodge it online
Once we receive your application 
Tracking your application
Review your quote and pay your invoice
Installation and connection

Need help?

If you have any questions, search our FAQs. For direct support, contact our team at (09) 422 2222 or email [email protected].