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Apply for an irrigation meter

Connect an irrigation meter to our network.

Please note:

  • An irrigation meter must only be used for irrigation, with no discharge to the wastewater network.
  • The meter must not be used to fill a swimming pool.

Irrigation meters and your wastewater charges

If you install an irrigation meter, it will affect the amount you pay for wastewater services inside your home or building. This is because we will assume that more of the water that enters your home or building will go down your drain – none of it will be used for outdoor purposes.

Backflow prevention

All irrigation supplies must have a testable backflow device, which we install when we put in the irrigation meter.

Each year, you must test the device and provide the test certificate and meter bypass details to us.

Learn more: Backflow

More information about irrigation meters

How to apply

If you want to connect an irrigation meter to our water network, please follow the steps below.

Prepare your information
What is the time frame for installing a connection?
When does billing start?