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Ngā tikanga tātai utu tauhokohoko

How commercial charges work

Understand how we charge for water and wastewater services.

Your monthly charges

Every month, you’ll receive a bill for the water and wastewater services you received. Depending on your business, you may also receive separate bills from time to time for trade waste, backflow or infrastructure growth charges.

Water charges

We charge you per kilolitre (1kL equals 1,000 litres) of water used, which is measured via your water meter.

Wastewater charges

There are four wastewater pricing plans based on the volume of wastewater being discharged into the network. Your bill shows the plan you’re on, which was carried over from the previous property owner. As a new customer, you can change your plan within 15 days of receiving your first bill. The plans are:

  • Low user plan: Less than 1,309kL
  • Moderate user plan: 1,309kL to 10,193kL
  • High user plan: 10,193kL to 85,705kL
  • Industry plan: 85,705kL or more

Each wastewater plan has two types of charges

Fixed charge
Volumetric charge

Traffic management charges

Effective traffic management is essential during our operations to ensure everyone's safety and minimise disruptions. Read our helpful document about why we charge for traffic management and how we comply with Auckland Transport (AT) guidelines.

Wastewater audits

A wastewater audit works out the percentage of your water that goes into our wastewater network. The aim is to ensure you are paying the right amount for wastewater services.

Other helpful information

Our industry types and percentages
How do I know my industry type?
Existing plans and meter reclassification
Changing a business plan