I'm a Business



Businesses, big and small, can make a big impact when it comes to using water wisely. Find out how your workplace can make easy changes.

Tips for your workplace

Saving water at your workplace

Practical tips for you, your staff or colleagues to be more water efficient, and play a central role in protecting this precious resource for everyone to enjoy.

Woman having her hair cut at salon.

Why is water so important?

Businesses like yours can contribute to a more sustainable water system that supports our community and environment, long into the future. Here’s why it matters.

Man reaching for a coffee cup in a cafe.

Saving water at your workplace

Check out our tips and resources to inspire water-saving changes in your workplace.

Man cooking chips in a deep fryer at an eatery.

Commercial cooking fats

If your business place is pouring fat down drains, this can cause serious plumbing issues. Learn how to dispose of fat in the right way to prevent blockages.

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Water collection, treatment and monitoring

Learn where Auckland’s water comes from and how it’s collected, treated and monitored.

Trade waste

Liquid waste from businesses must be safe to enter the public wastewater system.

Apply for a wastewater audit

Find out if you are being charged the right wastewater percentage for your industry type.

What not to flush

Follow our simple tips to keep your pipes clear.