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Trade waste classification

Find out if your business is classified as low risk or if you need a trade waste agreement.

What’s a trade waste classification?

Under the Trade Waste Bylaw 2013, we classify businesses and industries as either ‘low risk’ or ‘requires a trade waste agreement’.

Low risk trade waste

Your trade waste is considered low risk if:

  • your business activity is listed in Schedule 1 of the bylaw and meets the minimum requirements
  • it is not prohibited trade waste under Schedule 3 of the bylaw
  • it is less than 10 cubic metres per day and less than 0.5 litres per second
  • it meets the Trade Waste Controls 2019.
  • Your risk level may also change after a more detailed assessment. We will consider factors like volume, toxicity, your pre-treatment and controls, and your compliance history.

All other trade waste

If your trade waste is not low risk, you will need a trade waste agreement. This agreement will set your discharge limits and monitoring criteria.

You will also need to comply with the Trade Waste Control 2019 unless your agreement authorises an exemption.

Need help to identify your classification?

If you are not sure of your classification, please call us on (09) 539 7655 or email [email protected]