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Monitoring trade waste

Learn how to monitor your trade waste discharge, and how we check your data and compliance.

Monitoring your own trade waste

If you have a trade waste agreement, it will set out how to monitor your trade waste discharge. You need to follow these requirements and send us the results.

Download our self-monitoring guidelines (PDF)

For a list of accredited testing laboratories, visit www.ianz.govt.nz/directory and follow these steps:

  1. Select ‘Search for a testing inspection facility’
  2. Select ‘Laboratory - Chemical Testing’
  3. Select ‘2.41 Waters’
  4. Select ‘(d) Effluents and trade wastes’.

Our monitoring programme

As part of our responsibilities, we may randomly visit your site without advance notice, to:

  • verify your self-monitoring data.

If we find you are not complying, we will ask you to investigate, explain the cause, and take steps to ensure it doesn’t happen again. We will also undertake compliance audit monitoring.

This involves further visits and laboratory testing, and we will pass those costs on to you.

Network incidents

When an issue happens in our network we will investigate to find the cause. If we find a customer’s non-compliant trade waste is responsible, we may seek to prosecute or recover costs.