I'm a Builder or developer

Kaihanga, kaiwhakawhanake hoki

Builders and developers

Find out where there is network capacity in Auckland.

Network capacity map and information

Before construction

image for Working near or over our assets

Working near or over our assets

You will need approval when working near or over our assets. Find out whether you need approval, what to do and how to apply.

Two of our team at a work site wearing construction hard hats and high viz

Consulting with us

If your project is kicking off or you have a general query, here’s how to consult with us.

image for Consents


Understand the resource consent and engineering approval peer review process.

During and after construction

image for Compliance


We guide you through the steps required to apply for a Certificate of Acceptance (CoA).

image for Connections


Apply to connect water and/or wastewater pipes to our network or change a connection to residential (domestic) or business (commercial) properties.


Tools, fees and resources

GIS Maps, fees, engineering frameworks and other helpful resources.

Helpful FAQs

Search our frequently asked questions about the building and development process.

Servicing updates

Update on growth constraints in Warkworth

Find out what’s underway to enable growth in this area.

Water and wastewater servicing strategy

Find out what is underway to enable growth in various Auckland areas.