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Buying or selling a house

There are a few things to think about if you’re in the process of buying or selling your property.

Purchasing a property and moving in

Relax, you don’t need to do anything to begin with. Here’s how it works:

  • If you’ve bought a property, the previous owner's solicitor will pass on your details to us. We’ll use these details to open your new account.
  • You should receive your first bill within 45 days of moving in. If you do not get a bill in the mail within this time, drop us a line.

Making changes to your new account online

Once you’ve received your first bill, you can jump into MyAccount, our secure accounts portal, and set up a direct debit, recurring credit card, e-billing or an online account.

Once you’re registered in the app, download it to your mobile.

It’s also a good opportunity to update your contact details.

Helpful tip: When you’ve moved in and get your first bill from us, it’s a good idea to check that the water meter supplying your property is the correct meter noted on your bill. 

Selling a property and moving out

During this busy time, it might be helpful to know that your solicitor will contact us to close your old account and advise us of your new property – you don’t need to do anything.

As the owner, it’s still your responsibility to check that your solicitor has:

  • advised us of the settlement date
  • received and paid the final bill on your behalf.

Once your solicitor has completed all of this, you can concentrate on moving day.

Why has my Watercare account number changed?

When a property changes hands, we create an all-new account with a new number.

We don’t carry over any information about the previous owner, or methods for billing or payment.

Your account number will also change if:

  • you as owner change the account name from a business name to a personal name
  • your meter is reclassified (to or from residential to business)
  • you create a trust (change of ownership).