I'm a Landlord or property manager

Te utu ā-tau i te utu tāmau

Pay a fixed annual charge

Landlords can opt in to pay 12 months of fixed charges in a single lump sum.

The 2024 opt-in period has closed.

Opt in to make a lump sum payment next year.

If you’re a landlord or property owner, the Residential Tenancies Act requires you to pay the fixed wastewater charges to help maintain the public wastewater network. Fixed wastewater charges are billed monthly, but many landlords prefer to pay a lump sum for one year. You have to opt in to pay the lump sum.

The 2024 opt-in period is now closed, but you can still opt in to make a payment for July 1, 2025, to June 30, 2026.

The opt-in process

Who can opt in?
How to opt in
What to expect once you’ve opted in
How to opt out

Frequently asked questions

Can I opt in if my account is overdue?
What happens if I sell my property during the period I have paid for?
I have opted in and paid my upfront charge. What happens if I sell my property partway through the period?
I have paid my lump sum payment. Why are you contacting me for payment when my tenant hasn’t paid their bill?