Central Interceptor consents and documents
Environmental application documents and consents relating to our Central Interceptor project.
Welcome to our consents page, where you'll find all the Central Interceptor environmental application documents, including those relating to the original 2012/2013 application and any subsequent applications.
If you have any questions about any of the documents found on this page, contact the team at [email protected].
Individual documents
Main works deviation consent and conditions – March 2018
Main works correction to consent duration for earthworks - April 2017
Main works resource consent conditions – December 2013
Main works designation conditions – January 2014
Network discharge consent decision and conditions – September 2014
Notice of requirement documentation
Resource consent documentationCentral Interceptor Main AEE – Part A (1MB)
Central Interceptor Main AEE – Part B (116MB)
Central Interceptor Main AEE – Part C: Drawings Set (37MB)
Main AEE
Landscape Assessment Report (1MB)
Figures (116MB)
Arboricultural Assessment Report (11MB)
Ecological Assessment Report (12MB)
Archaeological Assessment Report (8MB)
Traffic Assessment Report (2MB)
Vibration Assessment Report (330KB)
Contamination Assessment Report (25MB)
Groundwater Settlement Report (56MB)
Erosion and Sediment Control Report (10MB)
Central Interceptor Main AEE – Part A (1MB)
Central Interceptor Main AEE – Part B (116MB)
Central Interceptor Main AEE – Part C: Drawings Set (37MB)
Main AEE
Landscape Assessment Report (1MB)
Figures (116MB)
Arboricultural Assessment Report (11MB)
Ecological Assessment Report (12MB)
Archaeological Assessment Report (8MB)
Traffic Assessment Report (2MB)
Vibration Assessment Report (330KB)
Contamination Assessment Report (25MB)
Groundwater Settlement Report (56MB)
Erosion and Sediment Control Report (10MB)
Section 92 response
Main project works - hearingPart A: Expert evidence
2. Tim Munro (Corporate - Project Overview)
3. Clint Cantrell (Project Design / Objectives)
Supplementary evidence (1 August 2013)
Reply evidence of Clint Cantrell (13 August 2013)
4. John Cooper (Project Construction)
Reply evidence of John Cooper (13 August 2013)
5. Belinda Petersen (Corporate - Consultation and Conditions Overview)
Supplementary evidence (consultation and conditions)
Supplementary evidence (1 August 2013)
Reply evidence of Belinda Petersen (13 August 2013)
6. Craig Mcilroy (Auckland Council Stormwater)
7. Graeme Twose (Groundwater and Surface Settlement)
Reply evidence of Mat Cottle (13 August 2013)
10. Leo Hills (Traffic / Transport)
Supplementary evidence (traffic)
Reply evidence of Leo Hills (13 August 2013)
11. John Goodwin (Landscape / Visual)
Reply evidence of David Slaven (13 August 2013)
13. Peter Roan (Marine Ecology from EPR)
Reply evidence of Peter Roan (13 August 2013)
Clarifications to Commissioners (28 August 2013)
14. Charles Kirkby (Air Quality)
15. Garry Maskill (Cultural/Iwi)
Supplementary evidence (Te Akitai)
Part B: Full construction site drawings
2 – Overall site layout and plans
3 – Corridor Plans for main tunnel and link sewers
6 – Mt Albert War Memorial Reserve site
7 – Mt Albert War Memorial Reserve car park site
13 – Pump Station 23 (Frederick Street) site
17 – Western Springs Depot site
20 – Pump Station 25 (Miranda Reserve) site
Part C: Other relevant information
Proposed designation conditions
Reply set of designation conditions (13 August 2013)
Clean set of designation conditions (13 August 2013)
Reply set of consent conditions (13 August 2013)
Clean set of consent conditions (13 August 2013)
Closing legal submissions (13 August 2013)
Central Interceptor Letter re Conditions 20 August 2013
Post-hearing consent conditions clean - v1
Post-hearing consent conditions - v1
Post-hearing designation conditions - v1
Post-hearing designation conditions clean - v1
Response to Commissioners (20 September 2013)
TO AC response to Commissioners s41C direction COMBINED
TO AC response to Commissioners s41C direction
Drawings of proposed Lyon Avenue site and Mt Albert Grammar School Alternatives (Map 1, Map 2, Map 3)
Memorandum from AECOM New Zealand Limited
Memorandum from Arborlab Consultancy Services Limited
Letter from Traffic Design Group Limited
Correspondence from Ministry of Education
Memorandum from Marshall Day Acoustics Limited
Memorandum from Tonkin and Taylor Limited
Amended drawing of proposed Keith Hay Park site - construction works plan
Part A: Expert evidence
2. Tim Munro (Corporate - Project Overview)
3. Clint Cantrell (Project Design / Objectives)
Supplementary evidence (1 August 2013)
Reply evidence of Clint Cantrell (13 August 2013)
4. John Cooper (Project Construction)
Reply evidence of John Cooper (13 August 2013)
5. Belinda Petersen (Corporate - Consultation and Conditions Overview)
Supplementary evidence (consultation and conditions)
Supplementary evidence (1 August 2013)
Reply evidence of Belinda Petersen (13 August 2013)
6. Craig Mcilroy (Auckland Council Stormwater)
7. Graeme Twose (Groundwater and Surface Settlement)
Reply evidence of Mat Cottle (13 August 2013)
10. Leo Hills (Traffic / Transport)
Supplementary evidence (traffic)
Reply evidence of Leo Hills (13 August 2013)
11. John Goodwin (Landscape / Visual)
Reply evidence of David Slaven (13 August 2013)
13. Peter Roan (Marine Ecology from EPR)
Reply evidence of Peter Roan (13 August 2013)
Clarifications to Commissioners (28 August 2013)
14. Charles Kirkby (Air Quality)
15. Garry Maskill (Cultural/Iwi)
Supplementary evidence (Te Akitai)
Part B: Full construction site drawings
2 – Overall site layout and plans
3 – Corridor Plans for main tunnel and link sewers
6 – Mt Albert War Memorial Reserve site
7 – Mt Albert War Memorial Reserve car park site
13 – Pump Station 23 (Frederick Street) site
17 – Western Springs Depot site
20 – Pump Station 25 (Miranda Reserve) site
Part C: Other relevant information
Proposed designation conditions
Reply set of designation conditions (13 August 2013)
Clean set of designation conditions (13 August 2013)
Reply set of consent conditions (13 August 2013)
Clean set of consent conditions (13 August 2013)
Closing legal submissions (13 August 2013)
Central Interceptor Letter re Conditions 20 August 2013
Post-hearing consent conditions clean - v1
Post-hearing consent conditions - v1
Post-hearing designation conditions - v1
Post-hearing designation conditions clean - v1
Response to Commissioners (20 September 2013)
TO AC response to Commissioners s41C direction COMBINED
TO AC response to Commissioners s41C direction
Drawings of proposed Lyon Avenue site and Mt Albert Grammar School Alternatives (Map 1, Map 2, Map 3)
Memorandum from AECOM New Zealand Limited
Memorandum from Arborlab Consultancy Services Limited
Letter from Traffic Design Group Limited
Correspondence from Ministry of Education
Memorandum from Marshall Day Acoustics Limited
Memorandum from Tonkin and Taylor Limited
Amended drawing of proposed Keith Hay Park site - construction works plan
Associated consentsMay Road Stream Works
AEE May Road Stream Enhancement FINAL pdf
Appendix B - Ecological Impact
Appendix C - Noise and vibration
Appendix D - Hydraulic Modelling Memo
Appendix I - Draft Lizard Management Plan
Haverstock Road
AUP E36 application Haverstock AEE
AUP E36 application Haverstock infrastructure consent documents
AUP E36 application Haverstock infrastructure processing information
44-54 Greenwood Road NESCS applications AEE
44-54 Greenwood Road NESCS application processing information
44-54 Greenwood Road NESCS application consent document
Haycock Avenue
Haycock infrastrucuture processing information
Keith Hay Park
AUP E36 application Keith Hay Park infrastructure AEE
Keith Hay Park CC9
Keith Hay Park CC9 infrastructure AEE
Keith Hay Park CC9 S92 response November 2021
Keith Hay Park CC9 S92 further queries response December 2021
CC9 BUN60382589 approved plans
Taylor's Bay
AUP E36 application Taylor's Bay infrastructure AEE
AUP E36 application Taylor's Bay infrastructure consent documents
Western Springs
Haul Road infrastructure consent documents
Haul Road infrastructure processing information
AUP E36 project-wide AEE addendum
AUP E36 project-wide processing information
AUP E36 project-wide consent document
PS23 Ecological Enhancement
PS23 Ecological Enhancement AEE
Appendix C: Coastal Processes Assessment and Consent Level Design
Appendix D: Ecological Assessment
Appendix E: PS23_Natural Character Landscape and Visual Assessment Report
Appendix F: Draft Coastal Wetland Restoration Plan
May Road Stream Works
AEE May Road Stream Enhancement FINAL pdf
Appendix B - Ecological Impact
Appendix C - Noise and vibration
Appendix D - Hydraulic Modelling Memo
Appendix I - Draft Lizard Management Plan
Haverstock Road
AUP E36 application Haverstock AEE
AUP E36 application Haverstock infrastructure consent documents
AUP E36 application Haverstock infrastructure processing information
44-54 Greenwood Road NESCS applications AEE
44-54 Greenwood Road NESCS application processing information
44-54 Greenwood Road NESCS application consent document
Haycock Avenue
Haycock infrastrucuture processing information
Keith Hay Park
AUP E36 application Keith Hay Park infrastructure AEE
Keith Hay Park CC9
Keith Hay Park CC9 infrastructure AEE
Keith Hay Park CC9 S92 response November 2021
Keith Hay Park CC9 S92 further queries response December 2021
CC9 BUN60382589 approved plans
Taylor's Bay
AUP E36 application Taylor's Bay infrastructure AEE
AUP E36 application Taylor's Bay infrastructure consent documents
Western Springs
Haul Road infrastructure consent documents
Haul Road infrastructure processing information
AUP E36 project-wide AEE addendum
AUP E36 project-wide processing information
AUP E36 project-wide consent document
PS23 Ecological Enhancement
PS23 Ecological Enhancement AEE
Appendix C: Coastal Processes Assessment and Consent Level Design
Appendix D: Ecological Assessment
Appendix E: PS23_Natural Character Landscape and Visual Assessment Report
Appendix F: Draft Coastal Wetland Restoration Plan
Grey Lynn Tunnel consent documentsGrey Lynn Tunnel decision - Council
Grey Lynn decisions conditions - final
Resource consent documents/notice of requirement
Appendix A: Land requirements plan
Appendix B: Certificates of title
Appendix C: Schedule of properties on tunnel route
Appendix D: Tunnel long section
Appendix E: Tawariki Street shaft site layout plans
Appendix F: Assessment of alternatives report
Appendix G: Objectives and policies assessment
Appendix H: Proposed conditions
Appendix J: Archaeological heritage assessment
Appendix K: Traffic impact assessment
Appendix K: Traffic impact assessment with updated parking plan
Appendix K: Updated parking plan
Appendix M: Vibration assessment
Appendix N: Groundwater assessment
Appendix O: Settlement assessment
Appendix P: Air quality assessment
Appendix Q: Contamination report
Appendix R: Visual impact landscape assessment
Appendix U: Flyer to landowners
Grey Lynn Tunnel wastewater upgrades flyer (February 2018)
Section 92 technical reports
Attachment A: Traffic assessment
Attachment C: Ecology memo s92 GLT
Attachment D: GLT air quality assessment appendum
Attachment E: Proposed conditions air quality
Attachment F: Noise memo s92 GLT
Attachment G: Consolidation settlement calculations
Attachment H: Revised vibration report
Attachment I: Settlement comments and responses
Attachment J: Memo by Bob Miskell
Attachment K: Tunnel depth under roads
Attachment L: Arborist memo s92 GLT
Attachment N: 1 of 2 Tawariki shaft south north pacific
Attachment N: 2 of 2 Tawariki shaft west east profile
Second shaft relocation: 42 Tawariki St
Notice of Requirement (NoR) AEE
S127 – Appendix D - geotechnical effects report
NoR – Appendix D - noise and vibration report
Groundwater resource consent decision and conditions (variation)
Grey Lynn Tunnel decision - Council
Grey Lynn decisions conditions - final
Resource consent documents/notice of requirement
Appendix A: Land requirements plan
Appendix B: Certificates of title
Appendix C: Schedule of properties on tunnel route
Appendix D: Tunnel long section
Appendix E: Tawariki Street shaft site layout plans
Appendix F: Assessment of alternatives report
Appendix G: Objectives and policies assessment
Appendix H: Proposed conditions
Appendix J: Archaeological heritage assessment
Appendix K: Traffic impact assessment
Appendix K: Traffic impact assessment with updated parking plan
Appendix K: Updated parking plan
Appendix M: Vibration assessment
Appendix N: Groundwater assessment
Appendix O: Settlement assessment
Appendix P: Air quality assessment
Appendix Q: Contamination report
Appendix R: Visual impact landscape assessment
Appendix U: Flyer to landowners
Grey Lynn Tunnel wastewater upgrades flyer (February 2018)
Section 92 technical reports
Attachment A: Traffic assessment
Attachment C: Ecology memo s92 GLT
Attachment D: GLT air quality assessment appendum
Attachment E: Proposed conditions air quality
Attachment F: Noise memo s92 GLT
Attachment G: Consolidation settlement calculations
Attachment H: Revised vibration report
Attachment I: Settlement comments and responses
Attachment J: Memo by Bob Miskell
Attachment K: Tunnel depth under roads
Attachment L: Arborist memo s92 GLT
Attachment N: 1 of 2 Tawariki shaft south north pacific
Attachment N: 2 of 2 Tawariki shaft west east profile
Second shaft relocation: 42 Tawariki St
Notice of Requirement (NoR) AEE
S127 – Appendix D - geotechnical effects report
NoR – Appendix D - noise and vibration report
Groundwater resource consent decision and conditions (variation)
Point Erin Tunnel consent documents07.02.23 CI extension: Point Erin Tunnel. Final AEE
Appendix H1: Recreation assessment
Appendix H2: Noise and vibration assessment
Appendix H5: Groundwater settlement
Appendix H6: Landscape and visual
Appendix H7: Arboricultural report
Appendix H8: Archaeological assessment
Appendix H9: Integrated traffic assessment
Appendix H10: Flooding memorandum
Appendix H11: Air quality assessment
Compiled s92 questions 19 April 2023
Further s92 response 26 May 2023
07.02.23 CI extension: Point Erin Tunnel. Final AEE
Appendix H1: Recreation assessment
Appendix H2: Noise and vibration assessment
Appendix H5: Groundwater settlement
Appendix H6: Landscape and visual
Appendix H7: Arboricultural report
Appendix H8: Archaeological assessment
Appendix H9: Integrated traffic assessment
Appendix H10: Flooding memorandum
Appendix H11: Air quality assessment
Compiled s92 questions 19 April 2023
Further s92 response 26 May 2023
HNZPT Archaeological Authority
May Road properties resource consent documentationApplication and AEE 7 July 2022
Attachment 1: Unitary plan analysis
Attachment 2: Ecological assessment
Attachment 3: Civil and stormwater assessment
Attachment 4: Land contamination assessment
Attachment 5: Record of titles
Attachment 7: Erosion and sediment control plan
Attachment 8: Noise and vibration assessment
Attachment 9: Geotechnical interpretive report
Application and AEE 7 July 2022
Attachment 1: Unitary plan analysis
Attachment 2: Ecological assessment
Attachment 3: Civil and stormwater assessment
Attachment 4: Land contamination assessment
Attachment 5: Record of titles
Attachment 7: Erosion and sediment control plan
Attachment 8: Noise and vibration assessment
Attachment 9: Geotechnical interpretive report
Deviation consent documentsResource consent documents/notice of requirement:
Appendix A. Central Interceptor main works project decision
Appendix B. Tunnel deviation plans
Appendix E. Geotechnical interpretive report volume 1
Appendix E. Geotechnical interpretive report volume 2
Appendix F. Mana whenua consultation
Appendix G. Matters of discretion
Appendix H. Settlement implications due to revision of the main tunnel and link sewer C memo
Appendix I. Tunnel, link sewers and shafts – settlement assessment
Appendix J. Combined settlement report for the link sewers
Appendix K. Central interceptor project effect of tunnels on groundwater and surface settlement
Resource consent documents/notice of requirement:
Appendix A. Central Interceptor main works project decision
Appendix B. Tunnel deviation plans
Appendix E. Geotechnical interpretive report volume 1
Appendix E. Geotechnical interpretive report volume 2
Appendix F. Mana whenua consultation
Appendix G. Matters of discretion
Appendix H. Settlement implications due to revision of the main tunnel and link sewer C memo
Appendix I. Tunnel, link sewers and shafts – settlement assessment
Appendix J. Combined settlement report for the link sewers
Appendix K. Central interceptor project effect of tunnels on groundwater and surface settlement