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Central Interceptor consents and documents

Environmental application documents and consents relating to our Central Interceptor project.

Welcome to our consents page, where you'll find all the Central Interceptor environmental application documents, including those relating to the original 2012/2013 application and any subsequent applications.

If you have any questions about any of the documents found on this page, contact the team at [email protected].

Individual documents

Main works deviation consent and conditions – March 2018

Main works correction to consent duration for earthworks - April 2017​

Main works resource consent conditions – December 2013

Hearing panel’s decision

Main works designation conditions – January 2014

Network discharge consent decision and conditions – September 2014

Notice of requirement documentation
Resource consent documentation
Section 92 response
Main project works - hearing
Associated consents
Grey Lynn Tunnel consent documents
Point Erin Tunnel consent documents
HNZPT Archaeological Authority
May Road properties resource consent documentation
Deviation consent documents