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Te tokonga roa o te Kauhanga Kawe Waipara

Central Interceptor Sustainability

If you’re a resident or visitor to Auckland, the Central Interceptor project will have positive benefits for you. We want to improve water health, restore environments alongside project sites and support local communities.

Our sustainability approach

While the overall goal of the Central Interceptor project is rooted in sustainability, it’s also important to think about how day-to-day work can lead to better outcomes environmentally, socially, culturally and economically.

To do this we’ve partnered with community groups, schools and scientists to make sure our construction sites and areas around them are in a better condition than when we arrived. Below you can read about our waterway restoration projects, and how we’re protecting endangered lava rock forests and supporting local education.

What we’re doing

Protecting our native species
Restoring Meola Creek
Caring for our waterways
Preserving our history
Reusing wastewater for construction
Sponsoring urban gardens
Electrifying our truck fleet

Helping our communities

As part of the Central Interceptor project, we want to help communities along the tunnel route. To do so, we have adopted four keystone values:

  • Tuakana-Teina: effective succession, mentoring, future workforce, internships, apprenticeships and career pathways
  • Mauri Ora: creating wellbeing and maintaining mauri/lifeforce/essence of both people and the environment
  • Whanaungatanga: family-based approach to work, being community-minded, ensuring quality of stakeholder, community and industry relationships
  • Tangata Whakapapa: true inclusion and embracing the wholeness of a person

A cultural outcomes group formed of mana whenua, our Watercare team and our lead contractor is guiding our social programs. Here’s how we’re putting their guidance and our values into action.

Scholarships for Māori and Pasifika
Developing a new business with manu whenua
Supporting our local schools
Supporting career opportunities with Dig Deep