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South-west Wastewater Treatment Plant designation

Consolidating and upgrading our wastewater services to south-west Auckland.

About the project

We are seeking a Notice of Requirement (NoR) to designate land on Glenbrook Beach Road and allow for the construction, operation and maintenance of a new Wastewater Treatment Plant at 372 Glenbrook Beach Road.

Project overview

The communities of Kingseat, Clarks Beach, Glenbrook Beach and Waiuku are developing rapidly. Due to the lack of capacity in the wastewater network, development is being constrained until an upgrade of the wastewater network is complete.

A south-west discharge consent was obtained in June 2018 which allows for discharges from Kingseat Hospital, Kingseat Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP), Clarks Beach Wastewater Treatment Plant, and Waiuku Wastewater Treatment Plant. As part of the design phase, we undertook an options assessment and identified 30+ possible sites for the location of a new wastewater treatment plant. Seven potential locations were presented to the community in September and December 2021. After carrying out on-site assessments and reviewing community feedback, 162 Clarks Beach Road (Site B) was identified as the preferred site.

Aerial map with potential sites marked in blue.

Negotiations for the site at 162 Clarks Beach Road were unsuccessful, and there were complexities in acquiring it. Continuing with the Public Works Act process would have taken 12–18 months and increased the risk of not being able to deliver the scheme. As a result, the project team revisited the list of other shortlisted sites which included 372 Glenbrook Beach Road (Site T). That particular site is not located on a headland and scored well against a number of considerations including odour levels, amenity, ecology, engineering, operation and maintenance, and there is sufficient land for current and future expansion.

Site T is the preferred site as it is located 200m from the property boundary and 300m from existing neighbouring properties, therefore, minimising any effects from the plant. The wastewater network operation will be significantly simplified by reducing the assets to build and operate. This also enables provision of lower carbon and more cost-effective services.

View the process map of how we have been engaging with the community.

Recommendation from independent commissioners

On 23 May 2024, we received the recommendation from independent commissioners regarding our application to designate our land at 372 Glenbrook Beach Rd for wastewater treatment purposes. Their recommendation was to withdraw our application to designate the land. We will now review the full report, before we can decide on our next steps. We have until 5 July to inform Auckland Council of our decision in relation to the commissioners’ recommendation.