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South-west wastewater discharge consent

Consolidating and upgrading our wastewater services to south-west Auckland.

Project overview

We have investigated how best to manage wastewater in the south-west area in response to anticipated growth which is identified in the Auckland Unitary Plan (Operative in Part 2016) (AUP: OP). Through this work, we have identified the need for a sub-regional wastewater treatment plant to service this anticipated population growth.

The new plant is needed to enable us to discharge treated wastewater into the Waiuku Channel in accordance with stringent treatment standards included within a discharge consent granted by the Environment Court in June 2018.

An Assessment of Alternatives Report for the discharge consent was prepared in 2016 which identified a list of approximately 137 options with different discharge locations, treatment technology and treatment plant locations. This was reduced to a short list of 34 options, then further reduced to seven options for detailed analysis.

As part of the 2016 resource consent application to Auckland Council, we submitted a range of technical studies in support of the application. These included environmental and public health studies which concluded the proposal would result in low environmental and public health effects. The consent is subject to conditions requiring annual reporting of the discharge performance, five yearly environmental reporting, and a technology review.

The wastewater will be treated to a high quality and discharged on the outgoing tide 100 metres off the 12th green at Clarks Beach Golf Course.

Map of site options:

Graphic showing the features of the wastewater upgrades.

Best practicable site option:

Graphic showing the best practicable option for the wastewater upgrade project.

Additional information and supporting documents