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South-west wastewater conveyance – Waiuku branch sewer

Consolidating and upgrading our wastewater services to south-west Auckland.

About the project

The conveyance pipeline will connect the existing developments at Kahawai Point with the existing Waiuku Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP). The pipeline is future proofed to connect with the proposed WWTP should the necessary permits be obtained.

Future works will be limited to connecting the proposed WWTP and the conveyance pipeline. In the long-term, the pipeline will be repurposed to transport wastewater from the Waiuku catchment to the new south-west Wastewater Treatment Plant. A nine-kilometre wastewater transmission pipeline will be located predominantly along Glenbrook Beach Road and within private land.

Project overview

The pipeline will be installed between Waiuku - from the existing Waiuku WWTP - through to the Kahawai Point development where it will link up with the south-west wastewater conveyance (Clarks Beach and Glenbrook Beach) works.

Wastewater from the Waiuku catchment will be transported via this pipeline to the new Wastewater Treatment Plant at 372 Glenbrook Beach Road. The pipeline will have an approximate length of nine-kilometres and a diameter of up to 500mm. It will be installed within NZ Steel property and the public road corridor. Where it is positioned within the road corridor, where possible it will be in the berm or underneath single carriageway land. Installation of the pipe will be done using open trenching and trenchless methodologies.

Consent for the construction of this asset has been lodged with Auckland Council.

Impact on the community

  • Working hours for this project will typically be from 7am to 5pm weekdays
  • Access to residential properties may be limited as the pipe installation progresses, but residents will be notified in advance.

The project team is currently developing the concept design with details to be confirmed as things progress.

Where the pipeline is within the road corridor, there will be a single lane closure with traffic lights for the duration of construction.

The pipeline will be installed using rolling sites: this is when the ground is excavated, pipe installed, then progressively backfilled and reinstated. The length of the rolling site will be 200 metres. There is the option to use three to four pipeline crews, working at the same time on separate segments of the alignment. There is also likely to be a period when three crews are working within Glenbrook Beach Road at the same time. The exact start and finish points for each crew will be confirmed when traffic management plans are developed, and input sought from Auckland Transport.

Traffic light systems will be coordinated to allow for smooth thoroughfare of traffic in high demand areas around sites. Traffic light adjustments will be made throughout the day to account for peak traffic periods.