I'm a

Kōrero mō ngā kaiwhakarato me ngā kaikirimana

Information for suppliers and contractors

Supply chain, procurement, purchasing and payment information for suppliers, contractors and consultants.

We value the work our suppliers play in helping us to deliver safe and efficient water and wastewater services to our communities.

We’re committed to maintaining a responsible, inclusive, fair, safe and sustainable procurement process that delivers value for Auckland’s people.

This page gives you essential information and resources so you can work with us.

Get in touch 

If you have questions about our supply chain and procurement processes, please email: [email protected].

Info for new and existing suppliers

Supplier onboarding
Who we work with
Recent contracts
Supplier spend

Health and safety pre-qualification

Watercare utilses the Tōtika pre-qualification system we prefer all supplies undertaking construction works, maintenance and engineering services to be Tōtika qualified.


We use e-tendering to simplify and speed up the tendering process. We publish our tenders on the NZ Government Electronic Tender Service (GETS). Registration is free.

As a registered supplier you can:

  • Receive emails about our new public tenders
  • Download tender documents
  • Take part in forums to seek clarification of questions
  • Upload responses to our tenders

Note: We generally do not provide hard-copy tender documents or accept hard-copy responses to tenders.

Unsolicited proposals

From time to time, suppliers may wish to approach us with a proposal to meet a perceived need, without being asked to do so. This is considered an unsolicited proposal.

We encourage suppliers to put forward good ideas, and we will treat these in a way that is transparent and fair to everyone.

We consider ideas that are:

  • Unique
  • Innovative
  • Aligned with our plans, objectives and strategic priorities
  • Detailed enough for us to assess their merit.

To submit a proposal, ask a question or learn more about our supply chain processes, please email [email protected]


Do you have a probity concern? Let us know.

We consider probity of utmost importance.

When conducting supply chain activities and at all stages throughout the procurement process, it is everyone's responsibility to ensure probity is upheld.

Any supplier who has a probity concern may contact our head of internal audit by emailing [email protected]

Alternatively, suppliers are welcome to use our confidential whistleblower service which is administered by PWC.

Click here to access the whistleblowing portal.

Alternatively phone or email PWC at 0800 177 792 and [email protected]

Info on purchase/contract orders, invoices and payments

Purchase/contract orders
Credit notes