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Ngā here o te pikinga taupori i Whakapirau me Te Hana

Update on growth constraints in Wellsford and Te Hana

Work is underway to enable further growth in Wellsford and Te Hana.

Wellsford’s population is expected to grow over the next few decades and to support this growth we’re embarking on a major upgrade of the town’s wastewater treatment plant and planning a new water treatment plant.

Wastewater treatment plant upgrade

Our upgrade of the Wellsford Wastewater Treatment Plant is underway; Construction will start in late 2024 and the project is expected to be completed in late 2026. Sophisticated treatment technology will enhance the quality of treated wastewater and allow us to meet the new, more stringent conditions of our resource consent.

New water treatment plant

We will also be building a new Wellsford Water Treatment Plant, which will treat water from an underground aquifer instead of the Hōteo River. We expect to have this treatment plant operational in late 2028. We already have the water take consent for this new treatment plant.

Find out more in our press release

Temporary pause on new connections

In the meantime, the existing water and wastewater treatment plants have reached their design capacities.

To ensure we can continue to meet our resource consent conditions, which are designed to protect the environment, there is a pause on new connections to the water and wastewater networks until both the new water treatment plant and upgraded wastewater treatment plant are operational.

What does this mean for property developers and potential developers?

  • We will be honouring our commitments made through approved resource consents. This means anyone who had an approved resource consent and/or building consent as of 10 September 2024 will still be able to connect when they’re ready, provided all relevant consent conditions have been met.
  • For proposed developments wanting water and/or wastewater connections that don’t yet have resource or building consent, we will not be able to issue approval to connect to our networks until both the above upgrades are completed. Auckland Council needs confirmation that a water and wastewater connection is available to either reticulated services or on-site alternatives, before it can grant a building consent.
  • Auckland Council may still grant resource consents, but with conditions that no connection to the water supply or wastewater network can be made until both the new water treatment plant and upgraded wastewater treatment plant are operational.
  • We urge anyone seeking to build in Wellsford or Te Hana to come and talk to us.

Any questions?

If your query relates to an existing consent, please include the consent number in the subject line when you email our team.

Frequently Asked Questions

I’ve got resource consent, but I haven’t yet got building consent. Can I still connect to your services?
I’ve already applied for building consent but haven’t yet heard back. What does this mean for me?
I’m proposing a development that does not require a resource consent. Will I be able to get a connection?
I’m planning to build a ‘granny flat’ without resource or building consent under the new legislation that is propose by the Government. What does the pause in connections mean for me?
I haven’t begun the process, but am planning to apply for building consent in 2025. Will I still be able to get consent and start building?
I’m planning to lodge resource consent later this year. What does this mean for me?
I’m planning to build a new home with a rainwater tank to supply drinking water. As I’ll only be needing a wastewater connection, will I be able to get this when the upgraded wastewater treatment plant is operational in 2026?