I'm a Builder or developer

Apply for a residential connection in Clevedon

What you need to know about new connections for existing properties.

Clevedon Village is growing. In response, we're working closely with local developers and installing new water and wastewater services to accommodate growth. All new developments will be required to connect to the new network. However, existing properties within the service area can also make the most of this opportunity and may also be able to connect.

This page is to help existing property owners understand more about water and wastewater connections, the cost and process involved in getting a connection. There are three connection options to consider (see below).

If you run a business or you’re looking to subdivide, contact us as additional fees may apply. Email [email protected] and please include your name and contact details.

These new connection options are available for existing properties only.

'Existing properties' is defined as: The property must have been liveable as of 1 March 2021.

Diagram showing how to apply for a connection in Clevedon.

Connection options

For all connection options, please note:

  • Connection charges are subject to change annually.

Wastewater and standard water connection

  • Connect to our reliable wastewater and water service.
  • Reduce environmental pollution from failing septic tanks.
  • A safe, reliable and resilient water supply that requires little ongoing maintenance or effort.
Diagram showing a water and wastewater connection to a house.

Wastewater and town to tank connection

  • Connect to our reliable wastewater and water service.
  • Reduce environmental pollution from failing septic tanks.
  • Increase your resiliency while remaining self-sufficient most of the time.
  • Designed to top-up your existing rain tank over a few days

​Want to know more? Visit our town to tank page.

Diagram showing a wastewater connection and a water connection via a rain tank to a house.

Wastewater only

  • Connect to our reliable wastewater service.
  • Reduce environmental pollution from failing septic tanks.
Diagram showing a wastewater connection to a house with a rain tank.
When will services be available?
When will I be able to apply?
Do I have to connect now?
Do I have to decommission my septic tank?
Will I need to install a wastewater pump?
Can I connect to the water network without connecting to the wastewater network?
I currently have a rain tank, what are my options for connecting to the water network?
What happens to my stormwater if I no longer have a rain tank?
What do I do now?
Which properties are not eligible to apply?