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Huia Water Treatment Plant replacement project

We are planning to build a water treatment plant and two storage reservoirs in Waima.




Woodlands Park Road, Waima (Titirangi)



The latest

We have been granted resource consent to build a new water treatment plant on land at the corner of Woodlands Park Road and Manuka Road, Waima. The new plant will replace the adjacent ageing Huia Water Treatment Plant which treats 20 per cent of Auckland’s water and at over 100 years old is near the end of its operational life. The new reservoirs will increase the volume of water stored locally, improving the resilience of the wider water network and accommodating daily demand fluctuations. Our network is served by five treatment plants, numerous reservoirs and pump stations, and a highly connected network of pipes. It means that if one treatment plant has an operational issue, the other treatment plants can help meet Auckland’s water needs. The Huia Water Treatment Plant replacement project is a vital part of this network. The new plant will have more advanced treatment processes and will be easier to maintain than the current plant. It will be carefully laid out to ensure staff can access each treatment process safely and easily.


Resource consents

The resource consent for the Huia Water Treatment Plant replacement project was granted just before Christmas 2023. This is required for us to build a new water treatment plant in Waima to replace the original 95-year-old plant. The conditions of our consent are focused on mitigating adverse effects on the community and the environment, and cover issues like traffic management, noise, hours of operation, and in particular, stringent conditions aimed to prevent any transfer of kauri dieback. Concept design for the water treatment plant is underway. At this stage, we hope to begin construction in 2027.

  • Click here for the decision following the hearing of an application for resource consent under the Resource Management Act 1991

Parau disposal site consent

A further consent is required for disposing of soil at the existing Parau sludge disposal site. Options for local disposal sites were investigated and the Parau site has been selected as the most suitable option due to its proximity, and because Phytophthora agathidicida (kauri dieback) infection already appeared to be present at the fill site. Disposing of surplus excavated material to the Parau sludge disposal site also reduces the quantity of material that needs to be transported through Titirangi Village and surrounding communities.

  • Click here for the map of the route to the Parau disposal site. This consent has now been granted in September 2024.
  • Click here for more information about the Huia WTP spoil disposal at Parau consent.

Comprehensive sampling for Kauri dieback

As part of the resource consent process, we commissioned the most comprehensive sampling for Kauri dieback that has been undertaken in Aotearoa. The sampling consisted of over 995 samples and Kauri dieback was found on the site. The report on the sampling results is available here. As a result of the survey, we have refined the methodology to carry out the site works to minimise any risk of movement of Kauri Dieback from the site.

Helpful resources

Consent documents
Management plans
Early documents

Map of the site

Map showing the location of the new Huia Water Treatment Plant.

Engaging with the community

We recognise the significance of the proposed construction site and understand why our project is of public interest. For this reason, we are taking great care to engage with the community through numerous channels. Additionally, as a requirement of the consent, a Community Liaison Group (CLG) has been established to share information on the project and seek feedback on management plans for the project.

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