Working near or over our assets
You will need approval when working near or over our assets. Find out whether you need approval, what to do and how to apply.
Delay in addressing works over requests
We are working through a significant backlog of tasks and requests and have prioritised them based on urgency and impact to ensure the most critical are addressed as promptly as possible. We are planning to bring on more team members to help speed up the process.
Protecting our water supply
Protecting our assets helps ensure a safe and reliable water supply for everyone. So it’s important our pipes, manholes and other equipment don’t get damaged.
If you plan to dig, pile, blast or build near or over our assets (pipes or manholes), you will need our approval to start work as these activities could cause damage or prevent us from maintaining those assets.
‘Works Over’ approval will depend on how close your work will be to our assets. The information below will help you determine whether you need approval and if so, how to go about it.
Before applying for approval
Before applying for approval
What you need to know to make an assessment.
Is your work area near our assets? Here’s how to check.
- Find your site on the GIS map.
- Check for pipes and manholes that are on or near your site: blue for water, red for wastewater, and green for stormwater (note that the stormwater network is managed by Auckland Council’s Healthy Waters).
- Click on the asset to view its GIS ID, status, material, diameter, process, and the type of network to which it belongs. The important things to note are network (transmission or local) and, for wastewater pipes, the process (gravity or rising). If necessary, use the measuring tool to estimate how close your work will be to our assets.
Here’s how to check.
- Find your site on the GIS map.
- Check for pipes and manholes that are on or near your site: blue for water, red for wastewater, and green for stormwater (note that the stormwater network is managed by Auckland Council’s Healthy Waters).
- Click on the asset to view its GIS ID, status, material, diameter, process, and the type of network to which it belongs. The important things to note are network (transmission or local) and, for wastewater pipes, the process (gravity or rising). If necessary, use the measuring tool to estimate how close your work will be to our assets.
What ‘near to our assets’ means The requirements and definitions for works near a Watercare asset are set out in Section 8 of the Auckland Council Water Supply and Wastewater Network Bylaw 2015.
The requirements and definitions for works near a Watercare asset are set out in Section 8 of the Auckland Council Water Supply and Wastewater Network Bylaw 2015.
Critical and non-critical assets Our pipeline assets are divided into two groups – critical and non-critical.
Critical assets include:
- transmission network pipes of any size
- wastewater rising mains of any size
- local network pipes 300mm diameter or greater.
Non-critical pipeline assets include all other local network pipes less than 300mm in diameter, except rising mains.
Our pipeline assets are divided into two groups – critical and non-critical.
Critical assets include:
- transmission network pipes of any size
- wastewater rising mains of any size
- local network pipes 300mm diameter or greater.
Non-critical pipeline assets include all other local network pipes less than 300mm in diameter, except rising mains.
Rules for working near our assets
Rules for working near our assets
Within 10 metres of a critical asset - Do not build over chambers, valves, manholes, rising mains and connections.
- Do not CCTV transmission pipes.
- Mark out critical pipes. You may either spear and pothole or hydro excavate to locate the pipe. Apply for an investigation approval before starting any work.
- If it is not practical to spear and pothole to locate the pipe, get a registered surveyor to mark it out. You will need to pay for this.
- For health and safety reasons, only approved third parties may access our networks.
- Design structural foundations to ensure that any affected pipe bears no additional loading.
- Please refer to our Code of Practice and Standard Drawings for the minimum clearances from our assets, bridging details and piling requirements.
- You might need an engineering report depending on the proposed development, depth and condition of the pipe. These requirements are also applicable to a retaining wall or fence.
- You’ll find all inspections and stand-over requirements in the approval conditions.
- Final sign-off will depend on the results of the specified inspections and stand-over. This is an Auckland Council requirement.
- Do not build over chambers, valves, manholes, rising mains and connections.
- Do not CCTV transmission pipes.
- Mark out critical pipes. You may either spear and pothole or hydro excavate to locate the pipe. Apply for an investigation approval before starting any work.
- If it is not practical to spear and pothole to locate the pipe, get a registered surveyor to mark it out. You will need to pay for this.
- For health and safety reasons, only approved third parties may access our networks.
- Design structural foundations to ensure that any affected pipe bears no additional loading.
- Please refer to our Code of Practice and Standard Drawings for the minimum clearances from our assets, bridging details and piling requirements.
- You might need an engineering report depending on the proposed development, depth and condition of the pipe. These requirements are also applicable to a retaining wall or fence.
- You’ll find all inspections and stand-over requirements in the approval conditions.
- Final sign-off will depend on the results of the specified inspections and stand-over. This is an Auckland Council requirement.
Within two metres of a non-critical asset - Do not build over chambers, valves, manholes, rising mains and connections.
- If you are working close to the watermain you will need to submit a plan showing actual clearance of your work. Please submit these plans when you lodge your worksover application.
- If you are working on the road corridor, installing/upgrading new vehicle crossing, all Watercare assets must be marked out and identified. Watermain can be located either by spear and pothole or hydro excavation while wastewater mains can be located via CCTV inspection. Apply and lodge a worksover application and submit these information before starting work.
- You’ll need a pre-construction CCTV inspection and a permit for accessing our wastewater network. Please submit the CCTV footage and permit when you lodge your Works Over application. These must be current. (No older than six months).
- If you’re building over a pipe that’s damaged or in poor condition, you’ll need to repair it at the applicant's expense. Works Over approval will come with conditions detailing the remedial action necessary.
- Affected pipes must be clearly marked out. This can be done by the CCTV contractor during the inspection or marked out by a registered surveyor at the applicant’s expense.
- For health and safety reasons please note only approved third parties may access our networks.
- Design structural foundations to ensure that any affected pipe bears no additional loading.
- Please refer to our Code of Practice and Standard Drawings for clearances from our assets, bridging details and piling requirements.
- You’ll need to carry out a post-construction CCTV inspection to ensure the affected pipe has not been damaged.
- Final sign-off will depend on the results of the specified inspections and stand-over. This is an Auckland Council requirement.
- Do not build over chambers, valves, manholes, rising mains and connections.
- If you are working close to the watermain you will need to submit a plan showing actual clearance of your work. Please submit these plans when you lodge your worksover application.
- If you are working on the road corridor, installing/upgrading new vehicle crossing, all Watercare assets must be marked out and identified. Watermain can be located either by spear and pothole or hydro excavation while wastewater mains can be located via CCTV inspection. Apply and lodge a worksover application and submit these information before starting work.
- You’ll need a pre-construction CCTV inspection and a permit for accessing our wastewater network. Please submit the CCTV footage and permit when you lodge your Works Over application. These must be current. (No older than six months).
- If you’re building over a pipe that’s damaged or in poor condition, you’ll need to repair it at the applicant's expense. Works Over approval will come with conditions detailing the remedial action necessary.
- Affected pipes must be clearly marked out. This can be done by the CCTV contractor during the inspection or marked out by a registered surveyor at the applicant’s expense.
- For health and safety reasons please note only approved third parties may access our networks.
- Design structural foundations to ensure that any affected pipe bears no additional loading.
- Please refer to our Code of Practice and Standard Drawings for clearances from our assets, bridging details and piling requirements.
- You’ll need to carry out a post-construction CCTV inspection to ensure the affected pipe has not been damaged.
- Final sign-off will depend on the results of the specified inspections and stand-over. This is an Auckland Council requirement.
Minimum cover requirements The minimum cover required over transmission network pipes is:
- 1500mm for new carriageway and existing carriageway reinstatements
- 900mm in berms and footpaths.
The minimum cover required over local network pipes is:
- 900mm for new carriageway and existing carriageway reinstatements
- 600mm in berms and footpaths.
If either of these minimum cover requirements are not achievable, please contact us on (09) 442 2222 or email [email protected]
The minimum cover required over transmission network pipes is:
- 1500mm for new carriageway and existing carriageway reinstatements
- 900mm in berms and footpaths.
The minimum cover required over local network pipes is:
- 900mm for new carriageway and existing carriageway reinstatements
- 600mm in berms and footpaths.
If either of these minimum cover requirements are not achievable, please contact us on (09) 442 2222 or email [email protected]
Regulations and guidelines There are regulations and guidelines for safe working practices, and penalties for carrying out unauthorised work. You’ll find these here.
- Health and Safety in Employment Act 1992
- Local Government Act 2002 and 2009
- The Utilities Access Act 2010, and its related Code of Practice
- Department of Labour - “Guide for Safety with Underground Services”
Regardless of whether you are applying for works on private or public land, it's very important that the following points are adhered to when completing your application. Sticking to these requirements makes it easier for our team and eliminates some of the back-and-forth nature of the process.
There are regulations and guidelines for safe working practices, and penalties for carrying out unauthorised work. You’ll find these here.
- Health and Safety in Employment Act 1992
- Local Government Act 2002 and 2009
- The Utilities Access Act 2010, and its related Code of Practice
- Department of Labour - “Guide for Safety with Underground Services”
Regardless of whether you are applying for works on private or public land, it's very important that the following points are adhered to when completing your application. Sticking to these requirements makes it easier for our team and eliminates some of the back-and-forth nature of the process.
Complete a Works Over request for final sign-off and Code of Compliance Auckland Council requires Works Over final sign-off from us before processing the Code of Compliance for any property where a structure is built near and/or over our assets.
When applying for a final sign-off all construction works on site must be fully completed.
You’ll need to submit the following to [email protected]:
- A completed network Works Over inspection report and as-built drawings signed by a certified structural engineer. Download and complete the inspection report. Please refer to the initial Works Over approval letter.
- Final CCTV inspection of the affected wastewater network. Please do not do a final CCTV inspection until all the works are fully completed. If your CCTV footage is done beforehand, we cannot approve the final sign-off. Final CCTV must not be older than one month at the time of the final sign-off application.
- Photos of the completed works including but not limited to: street view images showing the house structure, fences/retaining walls, driveways and landscaping.
- Certificate of Acceptance (CoA) for any work and/or new water and wastewater assets installed as part of this development.
Auckland Council requires Works Over final sign-off from us before processing the Code of Compliance for any property where a structure is built near and/or over our assets.
When applying for a final sign-off all construction works on site must be fully completed.
You’ll need to submit the following to [email protected]:
- A completed network Works Over inspection report and as-built drawings signed by a certified structural engineer. Download and complete the inspection report. Please refer to the initial Works Over approval letter.
- Final CCTV inspection of the affected wastewater network. Please do not do a final CCTV inspection until all the works are fully completed. If your CCTV footage is done beforehand, we cannot approve the final sign-off. Final CCTV must not be older than one month at the time of the final sign-off application.
- Photos of the completed works including but not limited to: street view images showing the house structure, fences/retaining walls, driveways and landscaping.
- Certificate of Acceptance (CoA) for any work and/or new water and wastewater assets installed as part of this development.
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